Our Founder of Centered Riding

Sally and Herman

Sally and Herman

Sally Swift   1913 - 2009

Sally was the founder of Centered Riding.  She was a life long learner.  She developed the 4 Basics - Centering, Building Blocks, Soft Eyes,  and Breathing which combine to give Grounding. Adding Clear Intent gives the quiet total connection with the horse. Together they give the rider balance, security and efficient, subtle control. Sally continuously studied how riders and horses moved (biomechanics) and applied movement exercises and mental images to help riders better understand the dynamics of riding.  Sally developed Centered Riding from T'ai Chi and the Alexander Technique which had helped her manage her own physical problems. Sally was a wonderful role model with her knowledge, enthusiasm, positive attitude and sense of humor.

Today Centered Riding is taught all over the World.

        BE AWARE - ASK - ALLOW


                    CENTER & GROW


FMI about Sally and Centered Riding - www.centeredriding.org

FMI about Alexander Technique - visit - www.alexandertechnique.com

FMI about Ta'i chi chaun visit - www.taichi.co.za/taichi.html

THINK DEEPLY - SPEAK GENTLY - LOVE MUCH - LAUGH A LOT - WORK HARD - GIVE FREELY  - BE KIND  &  BE HUMBLE                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Centered Riding Inc.

Centered Riding  was developed by Sally Swift to enhance each rider's self awareness, balance and control.  This in turn helps the riders communicate with their horse in a subtle, harmonious connection both mentally and physically.  Centered Riding is NOT a style or discipline - it DOES enhance the connection and performance for all styles and disciplines, whether pleasure riding, western, english, gaited, jumpers, driving and also for physically  and emotionally challenged riders.  It is extremely helpful for people returning to riding after many years away, for those suffering from injuries, trauma or fear.

Please go to www.centeredriding.org  for more information

                              LEARNING IS A LIFE LONG JOURNEY

Clinics & Courses

Amanda,Monique, Sam,Jen,Jill,Nancy,Megan-2017 New Instructors

Amanda,Monique, Sam,Jen,Jill,Nancy,Megan-2017 New Instructors

OPEN clinics are for all riders, all ages, all levels and all riding styles.  They can be 2 or 3 days.  Bring your own horse or ride a well trained WHF school horse.  Each day includes theory discussions, groundwork exercises, and a semi private riding lesson, along with demonstrations.  

INSTRUCTOR UPDATE clinics are required for Certified CR instructors to fulfill their membership  obligations.  These are four days of intensive training, discussions, exercises and practice teaching as well as riding lessons from the clinicians.  They are a great time to meet and network with other instructors from around the nation and the world.

INSTRUCTOR CERTIFICATION Courses consist of Part I of 3 days of intensive theory, groundwork, bodywork,  riding lessons from the clinician and practice teaching.  A month to go home and  practice the theory and teaching followed by Part II of 4 more days.

FMI on becomming a Certified Instructor -  go to www.centeredriding.org

FMI about WHF   207 946 5045    cell 2074022672        wlcmhome@live.com

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